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Smart City

Building the Future: Avanceon’s Smart City Solutions for Connected and Sustainable Urban Living

The Smart City Experience with Avanceon

Avanceon pioneers Smart City projects, utilizing innovative tech for sustainable, interconnected urban living. We shape eco-friendly, efficient cities with intelligent infrastructure, inviting all to join our transformative journey.

The Digital Transformation of Cities

Smart Buildings

Carbon footprint analysis. Metering. AI/ML based Solutions for Chillers. HVAC, etc, Access Control. AI Video Analytics. 3-D Digital Twin Modeling fused with live IoT Data

Intelligent Traffic Management Systems

Integration with all ITS devices on any Protocols. Incident Scenario Planning & Execution. Integration with Video feeds for AI Analytics

Fleet Management

One Shop Solution including Vehicle Sensors for location and any special parameters (e.g. Tanker fluid level).  Tracking, replay, alarms and geofencing)